Because you save for a sunny day, not a rainy one.
The Simplest Strategy to Success Financially + in Life
Some people toil, others seem to float above. The simplest strategy you can employ for both success financially and emotionally.
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Reactions of an Actress to the Creation of a Show from the Ground Up
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Time To Buy IRobot Stock – upside outweighs downside
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Charlie Munger and The Psychology of Human Misjudgment- patterns of irrationality
It is important to know these psychological patterns of irrationality, no only for personal protection, but also to for business purposes.
Why Volatility of Fiat Currency + Financial Crisis will Give Rise to Bitcoin + Crypto
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What Does Financial Freedom Mean for You + What would you do with it?
Do you have a financial independence goal clearly stated. A number which motivates you, and more importantly a reason behind it, a WHY, that spurs you towards the goal’s attainment?
Will Google Buy IRobot- they’d be smart to with Amazon entering the Field
With Amazon and Google battling it out for your data, the home invasion has begun, and Google should want to speed up their penetration.
Ray Dalio- How the Economic Machine Works. Understanding the Economy from a Hedge Fun Guru
Get an understanding of what drives the economic machine, and how the world’s best hedge fund manager predicted the 2008 crash.
You Save for a Sunny Day, Not a Rainy One
Because sunny days are so much more enjoyable when you get to Choose what you do with them.
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Richard Birecki
Recharge Freedom
You save for a sunny day, not a rainy one. Why? To be able to have the freedom to enjoy that day. To be able to step out of the office. I went from broke like most people after college, to having the freedom to travel most anytime I want. Whatever that freedom might be for you, I'm showing you the strategies I and other financially successful people use, with doses of inspiration for sweetness.